Mr John Lioupas – Business Development, Events and IT Manager

John has been with PRONIA since 1992 and is currently the Business Development, Events and IT Manager. Over the years John has held a number of different positions within PRONIA, giving him an in-depth working knowledge of the organisation and the Australian-Greek community.

In his current role, John is responsible for developing business opportunities, innovation, growth and systems development as well overseeing all of PRONIA’s Finance and Administration operations.  

John’s involvement with the other community organisations has been quite extensive and over many years he has volunteered his time serving on Committees of Management.

PRONIA has had a long, proud history in advocating for social justice, equality of opportunity for individuals and communities, with the aim of helping to create a stronger, cohesive, and inclusive society for all Australians. It is within this spirit that PRONIA supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the “yes” vote in the upcoming referendum to constitutionally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as the First Peoples of Australia and a Voice to parliament.

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