Message from the CEO

Dear friends of PRONIA,

It has been almost nine months since the global pandemic outbreak and we recognise we are living in a new COVID-19 normal until such a time as the virus is brought under control. In the meantime we must continue practicing the best prevention measures, including wearing of masks, physical distancing, hand hygiene and staying at home.

During this period PRONIA faced a number of challenges however adapted to new ways of operating. Since the first lockdown in March our teams across all our units worked incredibly hard to provide a continuation of essential services for the many vulnerable and at risk people in the Greek community.

Whilst we continue to monitor the evolving developments of COVID-19 and maintaining the upmost health and safety for our clients, staff and volunteers, many of our current services have been modified to meet the government and health authority requirements.

A brief outline of our services during the COVID-19 period is provided below:

Aged Care: Social support programs such as planned activity groups, social support and community visitors have all shifted from direct client contact to telephone and online supports with staff and volunteers maintaining regular contact with clients.

Home Care: The health, wellbeing and independence of the elderly living at home is more important now than ever. We continue to provide essential care and support for the older people living at home, with the necessary adjustments to current regulations which involve more rigorous health, safety and hygiene protocols and practices.

Respite: In home respite service continues to be delivered to meet the support needs of clients.

Disability Service: Support coordination is provided to clients assisting with their access to disability support services.


Tina Douvos-Stathopoulos

PRONIA has had a long, proud history in advocating for social justice, equality of opportunity for individuals and communities, with the aim of helping to create a stronger, cohesive, and inclusive society for all Australians. It is within this spirit that PRONIA supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the “yes” vote in the upcoming referendum to constitutionally recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as the First Peoples of Australia and a Voice to parliament.

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